Monday, February 7, 2011

The Great Gatsby Chapters 8 & 9!!!

Chapter 8:
Okay so right when I was beginning to think that nobody was going to die in this book Gatsby goes and gets shot. The saddest part is that he wasn't even the one who ran over Myrtle. Other than this, though, the chapter wasn't all that bad. Another part that kind of angered me was that he had lied to Daisy when the first met so that he would seem worthy enough for her. Well news flash Gatsby, no one likes liars. Nick suggested that he move but Gatsby doesn't want to move because Daisy is the only person he has ever felt close to.I think i would agree with Nick on this one because I don't think Daisy was ever going to marry Gatsby or anything, she is happily married. Also, if he had moved then he wouldn't have gotten murdered. Im just saying that maybe if Gatsby moved, it would have been for the better.

Chapter 9:
This chapter angered me in a way but its also kind of had a happy feeling towards it. There was one sad part at the beginning when no one showed up to Gatsby's funeral except his dad and a few servants and that now that he is gone even more rumors have been coming up about him. Making rumors about a dead person is like picking on someone who has cancer, it's just wrong. There is no reason that it should even happen. I liked that Nick moved back to the midwest because he felt that his life was too fast paced. I wouldn't have stayed there either because everybody else moved away so you have nothing left there. I like how Nick saw Tom in New York and refused to shake his hand. I mean that might be a tad bit childish but Tom basically killed his closest friend so I can understand why he would do that. Overall I thought it was one of the better books that we have read in this class.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Great Gatsby: Chapters 6 & 7

Chapter 6:
This chapter, to me, was neither happy or sad. I mean there were some parts that were sad but it doesn't make the whole chapter sad. For example, when Gatsby had to do janitorial work just to pay for tuition. That was some what depressing because after 2 weeks of that he dropped out. Although, if it weren't for him dropping out, Gatsby would have never gotten the job at Lake Superior and would have never met Dan Cody. Cody gives Gatsby a job as an assistant. It was Gatsby's job to watch over Cody when he was intoxicated. This humored me a little because he drank so much that he needed a baby sitter for when he drank. When Cody died he left $25,000 to Gatsby but Gatsby never received any of that money because Cody's mistress refused to give it to him. This angered me because if your husband dies and leaves money to someone, I think that certain person had to have been a very important figure in his life. All in all, this chapter seemed more like an informational one because it mainly talked about Gatsby's past and us readers really go to know James Gatz but other than that nothing happened. It was a dull chapter to say the least.

Chapter 7:
I did not like this chapter at all. Tom And Gatsby have some issues with each other and they just need to sit down and work everything out. Why would Tom even car if Daisy and Gatsby are in love? He has Myrtle, or should i say HAD Myrtle. Unfortunately she was hit by a big yellow car. Which just happened to be Gatsby's car. To my surprise, it wasn't Gatsby who was driving. Yes, it was none other than Daisy Buchanan! Oh what a shame. Why did she have to do it? This just upset me. Myrtle was just an innocent women. Then Gatsby comes to the rescue and tells Nick that he will take the blame so that Tom will never know that Daisy was the one who killed his mistress. What irritated me about this chapter was that Tom imitated Gatsby's catch phrase, "old sport." It bothered me enough that Gatsby said it and now Tom is saying it! My word there is just no escaping the old sport! Well thats it for the blog entry and i hope to see you next time where I hope that I would have enjoyed the chapter that I will be reflecting on.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Great Gatsby: Chapter 5!

This chapter didn't appeal to me like chapters 3 & 4 did. The one thing that i did like about it was the Gatsby and Daisy were brought back together. It was 5 years. 5 years this guy waited for her, obviously she must have been special. The thing that I absolutely HATED about this chapter was that he kept bragging about how nice his stuff was, or at least that's what it seemed like to me. I mean the guy never stops talking about his possessions. I do understand that he wanted to show Daisy all that he accomplished but i think he could have let her decide what she wanted to know about. Another thing, why did he make Mr. Kilpspringer play the piano. He obviously said that he couldn't play because he hadn't practiced. Gatsby is just way to pushy if you asked me. Then that phone call he got kind of made me suspicious, especially after he had that weird talk with Nick about a job. My prediction is that the line of work that Gatsby is in isn't really the greatest. As a matter of fact I don't even believe its legal. Did he put someone on a hit list? I sure hope not...

The Great Gatsby: Chapter 4!

So this was by far my favorite chapter that I've read so far. I liked how Gatsby told Nick about his life just so Nicked wouldn't believe the stories he's been hearing. My favorite part about this chapter was when I found out that Gatsby bought his house in the location he did because Daisy is just right across the bay. I felt like he really has a passion for this girl and he's being waiting a long time to see her again. All the parties he threw was really just him trying to get her to come over and thats just really sad but at the same time its sweet. At first i didn't understand why he was taking Nick to lunch but its because Nick was the first person that actually knows Daisy and Gatsby feels like Nick could bring them together. This chapter just made me a lot more excited to read the rest of the novel. One of the reasons being I don't think people will be dying in this book unlike the others we've read. One thing that confused me was the car crash Gatsby was in that took the wheel off the front of his car. Is it the same car crash as the previous chapter? If so then it kind of makes sense but not really. Lastly, another thing i liked about this chapter was the Nick and Jordan are getting closer and that makes me happy because he said that he didn't have a girl like Tom or Gatsby.

The Great Gatsby: Chapter 3!!!

I liked this chapter, not because there was a lot going on, but because i feel like its going to set a good basis for the rest of the story. I think that all the characters are still in the process of being introduced and that the story is going to get much more interesting. The one part about this chapter that i am extremely curious about is the guy who crashed his car. What happens when he tried putting it in reverse? I didn't like that he just cut the story off to say this but I have a feeling that its going to come up again later in the story. If not I'm going to be disappointed because it would have just been a waste of time. Another aspect of this chapter that i enjoyed was that they partied a lot. I liked that because in reality there are people that very often hold parties and its being reflected in the novel. What didn't surprise me was that Nick and Gatsby met at one of Gatsby's parties. Another thing that didn't surprise me was that Nick didn't recognize Gatsby while talking to him because the story mentioned that he had been one of the few invited to the party although he hardly knew Gatsby. All in all I really enjoyed reading this chapter and I am overjoyed in reading the rest of the novel.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Free Write 1/18/11

1. Why are you apprehensive about sharing your writing?
- I don't believe that I am shy about sharing my writing because there's no way to improve my own writing without positive and negative feedback.

2. What do you fear about sharing your writing?
- I fear that my writing will not be up to the standards that everyone else's writing is at.

3. What is the best case scenario that could occur today when you share your writing?
- No body laughs or interrupts while I am reading so that i can get the most feedback as possible.

4. What is the worst case scenario that could occur today when you share your writing?
- No body was paying attention long enough to tell me what I should correct.

Monday, January 10, 2011

The cold make me want to....

The cold makes me want to go snowboarding. Its been a while since I last went and it is irritating me. It also makes me want to have a snowball fight only because the snow makes me feel like embracing my inner child. Then when I go inside i will be the pyro my family thinks I am and make a fire. For some reason they always think I am trying to burn the house down. Speaking of fire my dog sat in a fire and didn't notice so we had to pull him out. I still think it's funny because he didn't know what was going on. Hot chocolate is a good thing to have when its cold, I would love some hot chocolate right now but i drank it all.