Monday, February 7, 2011

The Great Gatsby Chapters 8 & 9!!!

Chapter 8:
Okay so right when I was beginning to think that nobody was going to die in this book Gatsby goes and gets shot. The saddest part is that he wasn't even the one who ran over Myrtle. Other than this, though, the chapter wasn't all that bad. Another part that kind of angered me was that he had lied to Daisy when the first met so that he would seem worthy enough for her. Well news flash Gatsby, no one likes liars. Nick suggested that he move but Gatsby doesn't want to move because Daisy is the only person he has ever felt close to.I think i would agree with Nick on this one because I don't think Daisy was ever going to marry Gatsby or anything, she is happily married. Also, if he had moved then he wouldn't have gotten murdered. Im just saying that maybe if Gatsby moved, it would have been for the better.

Chapter 9:
This chapter angered me in a way but its also kind of had a happy feeling towards it. There was one sad part at the beginning when no one showed up to Gatsby's funeral except his dad and a few servants and that now that he is gone even more rumors have been coming up about him. Making rumors about a dead person is like picking on someone who has cancer, it's just wrong. There is no reason that it should even happen. I liked that Nick moved back to the midwest because he felt that his life was too fast paced. I wouldn't have stayed there either because everybody else moved away so you have nothing left there. I like how Nick saw Tom in New York and refused to shake his hand. I mean that might be a tad bit childish but Tom basically killed his closest friend so I can understand why he would do that. Overall I thought it was one of the better books that we have read in this class.

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